Date Creek Mountain Range New YouTube Video

I don’t know what you were doing at midnight, but you missed the premier of my new film. I remember how movies opened from when I was a teen living in Los Angeles. All of the bejeweled stars came to the theater to parade between spotlights and walk on the red carpet. The opening generated a lot of publicity for the movie. It was quite the Hollywood occasion.

Because of our epidemic, Anne and I toned ours down somewhat. I stood on the front porch and waved my led flashlights around for a while before I threw a red towel down so that Queen Anne could stop me for an interview. “Are you aware that you’re an idiot,” she asked. “It took you 33 years to figure that out,” I replied. Our red carpet ceremonies almost made it to midnight, but we had to stop when the guy across the street open his door and yelled, “Turn that damn light off.” We went inside and waited until YouTube released the video.

The video is the second in my series featuring the desert mountain ranges here in the Sonoran Desert. These mountains aren’t the stars like Denali, Whitney, or Arizona’s Mt. Humphrys. These are the bit players that no one cares about. So I came up with this project to feature each of them with a short YouTube video. I’m starting with the ranges near the house and I plan to spiral outward. It keeps me out of Anne’s hair.

The new video features the Date Creek Range where Congress is. It’s one of the smaller ranges on my maps and doesn’t even have a mountain big enough to warrant its own name. I shot it using my drones this winter in between rainstorms. (You may have noticed drone is plural—I had to replace my first one when one of the peaks suddenly opened up and swallowed it whole.)

I have included the video in this post but its YouTube link is It was filmed in 4k so if you have one of those smart TVs, you can get the full effects by watching it there. To see it, bring up YouTube on your TV and search for Jim Witkowski (there are several, but I’m the old guy in the baseball cap), and navigate to my Arizona Desert Mountains channel. I hope you enjoy watching it and consider sharing it with your friends and family.

Until next time — jw

4 thoughts on “Date Creek Mountain Range New YouTube Video

  1. Very good. Glad I got to see how it was made. Probably is better without me in it.

    I still want to find the first drone. That would be a good video to add.


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